Special ‘Pop-Up' Workshop for Yoga Teachers

Greetings Reader -

One of the most challenging aspects of teaching yoga is integrating yoga philosophy into an asana class or workshop. Over the many years that I’ve been training yoga teachers, this skill is the one that I’m most often asked to help teachers develop.

Many teachers want to offer their students some wisdom from the yoga tradition. And the people who come to classes want to feel a sense of connection when they take a live class, in-person or online.

And yet, many teachers don't feel comfortable speaking about yoga philosophy in their classes because

  • they don’t think anyone is coming to their class to hear them give a philosophy lecture.
  • they worry about sounding preachy to practitioners who don't want to be told how to live their lives.
  • they don’t know how to connect yoga's ancient philosophy to what’s going on in the world right now.
  • they've been in classes where the teacher's talk was too long, boring, or full of clichés and they don't ever want to be that teacher.

These are all valid concerns.

But they’re not insurmountable obstacles.

And I can show you how to overcome them in my upcoming “pop-up” workshop for yoga teachers,

How to Give a Great Dharma Talk

Sunday, March 30 - 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM EDT

Enrollment is just $27!


This workshop will be recorded – watch the replay anytime.

Participants will earn 1.5 hours of CE credit with Yoga Alliance

You’ll learn:

  • A simple structure that will make it easy for you to keep your talks short, sweet, and totally authentic
  • How to connect what's going on in your life to yoga's wisdom tradition - and connect with your students in the process
  • Which books of yoga wisdom give you the most material for your talks - and how to read them so you won't get lost in them
  • How your 'Dharma Talks' can help you bring new students to your classes

This will be a very interactive workshop and there'll be plenty of time for Q&A.

And if you have any questions about the workshop, please send them my way.

Wishing you all good fortune,

- Hari-k

Hari-kirtana das

Hari-kirtana is an author, mentor, and yoga teacher who shares his knowledge and experience of how the yoga wisdom tradition can guide us toward meaningful and transformative spiritual experiences.

Read more from Hari-kirtana das

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